Teaching at Oxford
I am a tutor at Oxford and offer a wide range of tutorials on evolutionary biology and ecology, mutualisms, macroevolution, and plant evolution to Oxford undergraduates (of any college and department). I am also happy to supervise bachelor's theses in my area. Students are encouraged to discuss their project ideas with me. I am also happy to consider summer placement from undergraduates in any university to work on a research project in my area. Just email me to discuss options and ideas.
Supervision at Oxford
Ben is a NERC DTP DPhil student (2017-2021) at Oxford in partnership with Kew, supervised by Simon Hiscock, Guillaume Chomicki, William Baker and Wolf Eisenhardt. Ben works on the evolution of rattans, using phylogenomics methods to reconstruct their evolutionary history and use this charismatic and economically important group as a model to understand rainforest evolution. One outcome of Ben's work involves the generation of molecular tools to that will help companies to monitor and increase rattan sustainability.
Supervision experience at the University of Munich
Juanita was an erasmus mundus master student in Evolutionary biology, and in Munich she did her Master's thesis on
the evolution of ant symbiosis in Cecropia (Urticaceae). Juanita's master's project ended up in a first author paper in
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. She is now a PhD student in Florian Schiestl's lab at the University of Zürich.
Juanita Gutiérrez Valencia
Anna was a master student in Evolutionary biology, and in Munich she did her Intensive Research Project 1 on
The evolution and biogeography of Philidris (Dolichoderinae) ants.
Anna Farré Orteu
Christian was a master student in Evolutionary biology, and in Munich he did his Intensive Research Project 1 on
the evolution and biogeography of Tachigali (Fabaceae). Christian's project contributed to larger project and is acknowledged in a paper in Proceedings B. He is now a PhD student in Patrick Tschopp's lab at the University of Basel.
Christian Feregrino
Rosa was a master student in Evolutionary biology, and in Munich he did his Intensive Research Project 2 on
the evolution of Pseudomyrmecinae-associated plants with a focus on Tachigali. Rosa's project contributed to larger project and her hard work is acknowledged in a paper in Proceedings B. She is now a PhD student in Martin Parniske's lab still at the University of Munich.
Rosa Elena Andrade